Posy Simmonds Posy Simmonds is a brilliant artist, acute satirist and eye-watering cartoonist who, in Literary Life Revisited, exposes authors, publishers and the book trade. Her work is currently on display in the Centre Pompidou in Paris. She has the essential gift of making you laugh at yourself. Funny Feminist Cartoons I became addicted to Posy Simmonds’s Mrs Weber’s Diary […]
The stories behind my stories
Right now, my stories are in danger of vanishing from the world. Does that matter? Ought I stop them from disappearing? Does anyone care, except me? This is how I often feel, as I know many authors do, after a long day of marketing discussions, or time spent following up with publishing and distribution contacts, rather than writing! My stories […]
Chinongwa Reviewed
Chinongwa by Lucy Mushita is a timeless story. It is beautifully written and an easy fluent read. An extraordinary book This is quite a statement to make about the story of a skinny, snotty nine-year-old girl child called Chinongwa who lives in a remote village in Zimbabwe as her family become subject to colonialism in the early 1900s. Fundamentally, however, […]
Dust and Rain needs your help please
Our world needs love What we need now is love . . . just love . . . for all the world and for the people in it. I’ve just been walking around my garden thinking of the best way to ask all of you — friends, readers, climate change activists, educators, mothers, fathers, children and adults — for your […]
My Alphabet
ABCD EFG HIJK LMNOP QRS TUV WXYZ A Bright Child who could Read at 5 I couldn’t Pronounce the Sounds I’d never Heard Just because the Desks were Full I was sent up a Grade from Class One To Where the Kids were Big and Bold. But I was much too Young