The Shoah and the Confusions of Warring

Ruth Hartleyantisemitism, Conflict, Displacement, Feminism, History, Politics, Power, War2 Comments

Full Metal Jacket and the dualities of being a human The 1987 Kubrik film Full Metal Jacket stars Matthew Modine as Private Joker, an American soldier fighting in the Vietnam War. Netflix removed BORN TO KILL from his helmet and destroyed the film’s theme of the duality of human nature. Next to BORN TO KILL was the symbol of peace […]

Campus Sit-ins from 1968 Vietnam to 2024 Gaza

Ruth Hartleyantisemitism, Colonialism, Conflict, Feminism, History, Human rights, Politics, Power, War2 Comments

Campus Sit-ins 56 years ago     I was late, as usual, for my sociology course at the London School of Economics because I had to take my 2-year-old child to the Infant Nursery School on Kingsway first. At the main entrance to the old building, I was invited to step under the rope that kept out the teaching staff and join […]

Murder or not

Ruth Hartley Storytelling, Displacement, History, Human rights, Philosophy4 Comments

Totalitarianism The dictionary says totalitarianism is a system of government that is centralised and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. It means that someone living in such a state is not free to speak out or act without permission from the powers. From my brief experience of a police state, it is a terrifying place to live in. […]

Chinongwa Reviewed

Ruth Hartley Storytelling, Book Launch, Colonialism, History, Reading, Writing Process, ZimbabweLeave a Comment

Chinongwa by Lucy Mushita is a timeless story. It is beautifully written and an easy fluent read. An extraordinary book This is quite a statement to make about the story of a skinny, snotty nine-year-old girl child called Chinongwa who lives in a remote village in Zimbabwe as her family become subject to colonialism in the early 1900s. Fundamentally, however, […]

The Halley’s Comet Exhibition at Mpapa Gallery Zambia 1986

Ruth HartleyHistory, Mpapa Gallery, ZambiaLeave a Comment

Rockets, comets and Deep Space research Ariane, is the rocket developed in France by the European Space Agency and first launched in 1979. I feel that I have a connection with it that goes back 36 years to 1986 when I was one of the directors of the Mpapa Gallery in Zambia. The Ariane rocket was named after Ariadne the […]